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Home Base

Translates Workflow’s targets and insights for staff, making it easier for people’s managers to understand and use.

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Get easy-to-understand insights for staff

Help your staff adjust to your optimization targets by providing them with Home Base - a powerful tool for staff management within Workflow

Collaboration and Coaching

Tailored coaching and remote collaboration features for better staff performance

Insights for staff

Provide easy-to-understand insights for staff which can dramatically enhance the work process

Identify patterns

Patterns and root causes are trended and made visible for each department

Help workforce

Ensure better staff performance by using Home Base as a main hub for staff activities

Benefits of using HOME BASE

Regularly Updated

Progress and success updated
and celebrated with each data refresh

Trending Metrics

See the trending metrics, such as volume, labor hours and labor spend

Detailed Insights

Patterns and root causes are trended and made visible for each department

Detailed Breakdown

Breakdown of targets at the department, shift and per unit of service level.

Premium pay Trends

By last pay, last 6 pays and most recent year

Mapped Projects

Each pattern is mapped to related projects

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Evaluates and analyzes your data and provides estimated cost savings opportunities.

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Staff Huddle

Huddle provides quick insights and communication for immediate unplanned staffing needs.

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See the tangible results without cutting hours in just 72 hours

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